The Trump administration recently launched harmful attacks on our most vulnerable communities, seeking to undermine constitutional rights and vital institutions, and threatening the safety net that protects millions. These actions undermine justice, equity, and our shared humanity. In the face of this adversity, the Latino Community Foundation (LCF) remains committed to standing up for the Latino community, especially its most vulnerable, to protect our community’s interests and uplift its voice.
To help prepare for this moment, LCF awarded six Latino Power Fund grants to immigrant rights organizations across California in December. Next week, we will hear firsthand from their leaders about how these partners are doing: What are they seeing on the ground? What are the immediate and long-term needs they see to serve their mission effectively? How should philanthropy be thinking about this moment and beyond?
We invite you to join us for a powerful virtual town hall, Leading Through Crisis: A Townhall with California’s Immigrant Rights Advocates, on Thursday, February 13th, at 10 AM PT, to learn more about our partners’ ongoing efforts to support immigrant and vulnerable communities.
Featured speakers include:
•Luz Gallegos, Executive Director, TODEC
•Mayra Barrigan-O’Brien, Senior Mental Health Manager, Immigrants Rising
•Jesus Martinez, Executive Director, Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaborative (CVVIIC)
•Erika Pinheiro, Executive Director, Al Otro Lado
As chaos and fear-mongering continues to emerge from Washington, D.C., this is our moment to learn from and deepen our commitment to our community leaders who are fighting for equity, justice, and fairness every day.
This is how we strengthen the deep roots of our collective power. This is how we will win.
By: Julián Castro, CEO