The Census is a cornerstone of American democracy. In the face of unprecedented challenges, the Latino community must unite to protect the constitutional right to be counted and represented.
For this reason, the Latino Community Foundation (LCF) is working steadfast to ensure a fair and accurate count of Latinos in California! As we prepare for the 2020 Census, please visit our Census 2020 page to stay up-to-date on the census and find out ways to get involved!
Important Dates
What to Expect in the Mail:
When it’s time to respond, most households will receive an invitation in the mail. Every household will have the option of responding online, by mail, or by phone. Depending on how likely your area is to respond online, you’ll receive either an invitation encouraging you to respond online or an invitation along with a paper questionnaire.
You Will Receive:
MARCH 12-20: An invitation to respond online to the 2020 Census. (Some households will also receive paper questionnaires.)
MARCH 16-24: A reminder letter.
If you haven’t responded yet, you will receive:
MARCH 26 – APRIL 3: A reminder postcard.
APRIL 8-16: A reminder letter and paper questionnaire.
APRIL 20-27: A final reminder postcard before we follow up in person.
Our Role

Since 2017, LCF has advocated for a fair and accurate count of Latinos in the next census. Through speaking engagements, meetings with elected officials, and op-eds and letters to the editor, LCF is speaking out to ensure every single Latino in California is counted.

In 2018, LCF partnered with the NALEO Educational Fund to host the nation’s first gathering of Latino leaders to strategize ways to count Latinos in the next census. LCF will continue to convene key partners over the next year to ensure that Latinos understand the importance of the next census.

LCF is the lead organization chosen by the State of California to conduct census outreach and education for Latinos in the 2020 Census. Over the next year, LCF will work with radio/tv, community health clinics, Latino small-businesses and more to ensure robust resources are allocated to reach Latino families across the state.