Build your legacy through the Latino Community Foundation.
You know that great feeling when you have an opportunity to give back and help others prosper? We do. Together, we can make an even greater impact. We engage donors and corporations from across California and the nation to unleash the power and harness the potential of Latinos. With your partnership, we can move our state to a place where Latinos thrive and the American dream is attainable for all.
The possibilities begin here.

You have a vision. Partner with LCF to put it into action. You can create a fund now or as part of an estate plan—or both. Our expert team will provide you with as much—or as little—personalized service so you can focus on the joy of making a difference. If this is your first time, we are here to help you every step of the way. Click here for a few things to consider as you discuss your decision with your family and friends. For more information or to get started, please contact Marcela Muñiz, Senior Philanthropic Advisor.

Create a lasting legacy for California’s future generations. We support a range of options that give you the flexibility to achieve your vision for the future. Please contact Marcela Muñiz if you are interested in exploring any of the following options.
After providing for your family, you may include language in your will or living trust naming LCF as the recipient of a testamentary gift. It is a simple way of realizing your vision for giving back for the long run.
Gifts can be cash, securities or personal property. You may contribute a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate or the residual of your estate in this manner. Your estate will receive a charitable deduction for the full donation, so your heirs will not pay estate tax on these assets.
Perhaps you have set up a Life Insurance that you need less of today than when you established it? You can make a gift of an unneeded policy as a convenient and effective way of meeting your vision for giving back.
The simplest way is to designate LCF as a beneficiary of the policy. You can also transfer ownership of a paid-up policy, donate insurance policy dividends, or name LCF as designated owner and beneficiary, making annual gifts to LCF in the amount of the annual premium.
Perhaps you have been a wise steward of your resources and have maximized your retirement funds? Congratulations, now you could use part of your funds to invest in making a difference for the greater good! You consider naming LCF as the beneficiary of your retirement funds, such as an IRA, 401k or 403b plans. This is a simple way to realize your vision for giving back and benefitting the community, all while avoiding sometimes unanticipated tax penalties.
Are you ready to make history? We invite you to become a founding member of the Latino Legacy Circle! This special group of LCF friends will individually contribute $50,000 or more to the Endowment Fund. Contributions can be made through stock options, trusts, will designation, and/or other planned gifts.
The members will be honored at a Legacy Circle Luncheon and given the opportunity to see how the Endowment Fund is improving the Latino community. Members will also be invited to other special events throughout the year, including our exclusive annual Celebrating Philanthropy con Sabor Latino Gala.

Fulfill your corporate responsibility by leveraging LCF’s programs and/or sponsoring our special events. For more information please contact Marcela Muñiz, Senior Philanthropic Advisor.

Maximize the impact of your contribution by joining the largest network of Latino philanthropists. Contact us or join by filling out this form and we will be in touch with you soon!