Our new CEO, Jacqueline Martinez Garcel, kicked off the Summit with key Latino Equity Data, and set the stage for the theme of the day, concrete solutions on two key issues: Climate Change and Higher Education. She reminded us that data, alongside our stories have the power to change the hearts and minds of our leaders. Additionally, for the first time in history, Latinos hold the top two leadership posts in the state legislature and we had the honor to have both Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and the Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de Leon address our audience of more than 250 elected officials, government representatives, community leaders, and advocates from across the state of California.
Guillermo Mayer and Dr. Belinda Reyes were powerful facilitators who asked tough questions and engaged the voices of our participants in the panels on Climate Change and Higher Education.
By the end of the second panel, leaders were eager for collective action!
More than 150 statewide leaders, advocates and donors joined us for an Afternoon of Action at the Capitol, many for the very first time. A special thank you to our Legislative Captains who helped facilitate meaningful discussions and strengthened relationships with our legislators and their staffers. We are proud of our community’s interest in helping shape a better California.
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