Building Political Power

Latinos in the November 2018 Midterm Elections: The Rise of the “Latino Wave”

Authored by: Claudia Villanueva, Diversity and Inclusion Program Manager in San Francisco, CA Growing up in a predominately Latino community, politics wasn’t always the biggest topic of conversation. My household, however, was quite different. “Latinos have to look out for ourselves, because if not, no one

MEDIA STATEMENT: Latino Community Foundation released the following statement on voting results, Governor-elect Gavin Newsom, and other elected officials

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 9, 2019 CONTACT Amber Gonzales (415) 236-4020 (209) 405-4081 MEDIA STATEMENT: Latino Community Foundation released the following statement on voting results, Governor-elect Gavin Newsom, and other elected officials San Francisco, CA -- Latino Community Foundation Chief Executive Officer Jacqueline Martinez Garcel