Financial Resources for Nonprofits

Statewide Resources

Philanthropy CA: COVID-19 Response

Resource page from Philanthropy California, an alliance of Northern California, Southern California, and San Diego Grantmakers. Includes information on response funds, events, and public policy information.

Candid: Resources for Coronavirus

Resource site for nonprofits seeking support, funders who wish to learn what their peers are doing, and media. It includes a funding opportunities section, a funding summary, and news items.

GCIR (Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees)
CoronaVirus / COVID-19: Immigrant Response Funds

Resources featuring funding opportunities for organizations working with vulnerable immigrant communities.

Bay Area Resources

San Francisco Foundation: COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund

This Fund is accepting applications on a rolling basis, SFF will make a limited number of one-time grants ($5,000-$25,000) addressing racial bias, worker protection, homelessness, housing and food security.

Oakland Fund for Public Innovation: Oakland COVID-19 Relief Fund

Fund to support Oakland’s most vulnerable communities, such as seniors, children, people experiencing homelessness, first responders, local businesses and low-wage workers, to name a few.

Solidaire/ Third Wave: Emergent Fund

This Fund was immediately established after the 2016 election to help move quick resources with no strings attached to communities that were and continue to be under attack by federal policies and priorities.

Heising-Simons Foundation: Coronavirus Grantee Rapid Response Fund

Nonprofits who were previous or current grantees of the Heising-Simons Foundation who have faced unexpected costs due to the Coronavirus are eligible for up to a one-time maximum $25,000 amount.

Southern California Resources

Charitable Ventures: OC Community Resilience Fund

This Fund is a collaborative response by the Orange County philanthropic community seeking to strengthen and support community-based organizations who serve vulnerable communities most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Fund will have rolling grant cycles, and will work to respond to applicants on a monthly basis for the duration of the Fund and availability of the funding.

National Resources

Arca Foundation Rapid Response Grant

In addition to regular grants made in their biannual grant cycles, the Arca Foundation also makes discretionary rapid response grants. These grants are made outside of their regular grant cycles, allowing them to respond more quickly as needs arise.

Resist Rapid Response Grant

Resist offers support to grassroots groups engaged in activist organizing for structural social and economic change in the United States. General support grants of up to $4,000 are provided to groups who struggle towards a broad vision of justice, while opposing political and institutional oppression. Resist’s interests include community organizing and anti-racism projects, economic justice, environmental protection, LGBTQ rights, disability issues, labor organizing, and Native American organizing, among others. In response to the Coronavirus crisis, Resist will be reviewing Rapid Response applications on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays moving forward. ⁣Applicants are notified of funding decisions within 24 hours. Rapid Response awards are sent electronically within 48 hours of the funding decision date.

Coronavirus: What does my insurance policy cover?

Further resources regarding what can be covered under a nonprofit insurance.

U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Information regarding Paycheck Protection Program, CARES Act and other financial resources for small businesses.

Individual Financial Resources

Bay Area Resources 

Centro Legal de La Raza: Oakland Undocumented Relief Fund

 This Fund is to provide critical support to immigrant Oakland workers who have lost their jobs and income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the aggressive public health measures necessary to combat the spread of the disease.

Oakland Undocumented Relief Fund

O.U.R. Fund is a relief fund set up for undocumented workers who love or work in Oakland and have lost their jobs or had their hours cut as a result of the Coronavirus and the shelter in place orders. This Fund will distribute $500 relief grants to eligible applicants while funding is available.

UndocuFund SF COVID-19 Fund

This Fund has been created to help those in the undocumented community experiencing hardship during this time.

The Workers Fund: COVID-19 Rapid Response

100% of Funds going to workers who have lost their income because they don’t qualify for employer-based benefits. Cash going directly to people whose livelihoods have been stripped by COVID-19.

San Joaquin Valley Health Fund: Covid-19 Response Cluster

This Response Cluster has been created to ensure vulnerable families, individuals, and the nonprofits serving them receive assistance for essential supplies, food, rent, utilities and other needs.

National Day Labor Organizing Network (NDLON): Immigrant Worker Safety Net Fund

This Fund has been created to provide immediate resources and financial support so excluded workers can take care of themselves and their families at home. Without paid sick time leave, remote work capability, health care, access to jobs, and financial security, migrants are uniquely vulnerable.

One Fair Wage

This Emergency Fund has been created to specifically help service workers-including restaurant workers, delivery workers, car share drivers, and more-whose wages and employment have been decimated by the pandemic.

The Workers Fund: COVID-19 Rapid Response

100% of Funds going to workers who have lost their income because they don’t qualify for employer-based benefits. Cash going directly to people whose livelihoods have been stripped by COVID-19.

Betancourt Macias Family Scholarship Foundation: Funds Supporting Undocumented Families

Betancourt Macias Family Scholarship Foundation has launched a GoFundMe fundraiser to raise money to support undocumented families and individuals during this time of crisis. This link is the application that needs to be filled out to be eligible for funding.


Southern California Resources

San Diego Immigrant Relief Fund

This fund provides grants for up to $500 to immigrants in San Diego who have lost all or part of their income due to the coronavirus pandemic, along with other emergencies that may arise in the future. 

805 UndocuFund

This Fund is a collective effort among Ventura and Santa Barbara County-based grassroots to assist local undocumented workers and families who are excluded from federally funded safety net programs.

One Fair Wage Emergency Fund

This fund provides assistance for restaurant workers, gig workers and other hourly workers facing unprecedented hardship from the coronavirus.


Further Resources

 Undocumented Workers Employment Rights

This document covers legal rights undocumented folks have within the work force

Basic information on Coronavirus from the CDC (Spanish)

Guidelines from the CDC in regards to how to keep safe during the coronavirus.

California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance COVID-19 Resources for Undocumented People

Useful resources that may serve the undocumented community in searching for resources.

COVID-19 Recursos para Comunidades Indocumentadas

Useful resources that may serve the undocumented community in searching for resources.

We will be updating this page as more information comes in. Thank you for your generosity.