In 2017 you proved that when community comes together, we are unstoppable. And we will not stop. Are you with us?

2017 brought it on. Divisive rhetoric turned into violent clashes in the streets of Charlottesville, harmful policies tore families apart, and multiple—albeit unsuccessful—attempts were made to weaken the constitutional rights and founding values of our Nation. Yet, it was in the face of so much pain and devastation that the power of love ignited a courageous movement of action, kindness, and generosity. For the LCF team, our community partners, and allies, 2017 will be defined by this courage— a courage that fueled our determination to Rise Up and Lead with Purpose.
LCF joined forces to invest $1,080,700 into 64 Latino-led organizations working on the frontlines of social change. These organizations are creating opportunities for Latinos to thrive, building political power in communities, and safeguarding the values that make this country strong. These investments extend well beyond the dollars. This is about liberating capital for these organizations to restore hope and dignity at a critical moment in history! READ MORE FROM OUR CEO
These are not ordinary times. The demand for all of us to act bravely goes beyond a moral imperative. It’s time for California to live up to its progressive ideals. The world is watching. And, our commitment to equity is about safeguarding our democracy for this and future generations.
We are grateful for each one of you who has invested in our mission, stood with us at this critical time, and led with radical hope and unwavering courage! This year-end report is all about you. Because you are the leaders we have all been waiting for—and together we are unstoppable!
With enormous love and gratitude,
Jacqueline Martinez Garcel, CEO, Latino Community Foundation

Accelerating Impact of Latino Nonprofits
LCF trusts grassroots leaders and invests in Latino-led organizations that advance opportunities for the next generation of Latinos in California. Through the groundbreaking Latino Nonprofit Accelerator, a fundraising and marketing incubator, LCF provides mentorship, strengthens infrastructure, and builds courage to help leaders reach their biggest dreams.

Increasing Civic & Political Power
LCF works to amplify the voice and power of Latinos in California. We are committed to strengthening our democracy by increasing Latino political participation and advancing a progressive policy agenda towards equity. We invest in youth and civic participation, lead voter mobilization campaigns, and create opportunities for Latinos to inform local and state policy. Latinos are the backbone of our democracy and economy. It’s time to leverage this power to shape a more equitable future for California.

Building a Movement of Latino Philanthropists
LCF leads the largest network of Latino philanthropists in the country. Driven by a sense of justice and generosity, the Latino Giving Circle Network® has invested $700,000 in Latino leaders working to create opportunities for youth and families to fullfill their highest potential. In 2017, LCF unlocked the power of this growing network, which now includes 450 philanthropists across 15 Giving Circles throughout California.

Thanks to you, we doubled our grantmaking in 2017, expanded our statewide presence, and launched the first-ever Latino Nonprofit Accelerator. Thanks to you, we lifted the voice of our Latino-led nonprofits from Los Angeles, to Fresno, to Santa Rosa. Thanks to you, the Latino Nonprofit Accelerator received national attention as a groundbreaking incubator for organizations building power in our communities. Thanks to you, we delivered on our promise to triple our grantmaking in the Central Valley and Central Coast, the heart and soul of California.

When Martín, a farmworker and student from Watsonville, walked into Digital NEST looking for a job, he did not know his destiny would change forever. Working the front desk, Martín took advantage of the classes offered at the NEST. He uncovered a new world of possibilities and tapped into a passion for technology. He became a mentor and leader at the NEST, while he also pursued new dreams and aspirations in the tech sector. Today, you can find Martín in San Francisco at the Adobe Digital Academy. Martín is one of the 760,000 Latinos whose lives are transformed through the relentless work of our partners.

Thanks to bold leaders like you, we fought courageously to elevate the voice of Latino immigrants at a critical moment in our nation’s history. LCF hosted the largest Latino Policy Summit with Attorney General Xavier Becerra. One of our speakers, Wendy Carrillo, reminded the audience: “You don’t need to wait to get tapped on the shoulder for someone to tell you it’s your turn to run.” It was Wendy’s turn to win, today she serves as a California State Assemblymember representing the power and ingenuity of our community. After the Summit, we marched together to the Capitol where LCF led 66 legislative visits with our community partners. Young people met with legislators like Pro Tem Kevin De León and Senator Ricardo Lara, who encouraged our youth to stay strong and focused. In 2017, LCF also established the Nuestro Futuro Fund to protect immigrant rights and invest in youth-led advocacy.

“LCF deeply understands Latino issues and community-driven solutions. They bring leaders together who share a commitment to justice and a vision for change. I had the opportunity to experience this firsthand at the Latino Policy Summit—and left inspired by the talent and energy in the LCF community.” – Don Howard, President and CEO, The James Irvine Foundation

It was a record year for Latino philanthropy. In the throws of anti-immigrant attacks and devastating natural disasters, we stood strong and took action with our money, time, and talent. Thanks to you, LCF raised $4.5 million to advance our collective vision for Latinos in California and support our communities. The Latino Giving Circle Network® launched new circles in LA and Sacramento. Over 75% of grants supported civic engagement and leadership development. Immediately following the wildfires in Northern California, LCF was the first to launch a relief fund for immigrant families affected in the region. Thanks to you, these resources are being invested in Latino-led nonprofits driving an agenda for a just and equitable recovery.

I’m in! – said José Antonio Ramírez eagerly, signing a $1,000 check and officially launching the Central Valley Latino Giving Circle. Everyday we are motivated by champions like José Antonio who will stop at nothing for his community. Besides his public service and family commitment, he is consistently recruiting members to join the movement of Latino philanthropists and drives across the state leading conversations to engage new partners and allies in this work. That is the Central Valley spirit and why their Giving Circle has made history. In 2017, José Antonio took his committment to the next level and joined the LCF Board of Trustees.

LCF’s work is grounded on the knowledge that art and culture play a vital role in driving social change. Culture is at the center of our work. We use the power of digital media to transmit stories of hope, vision for change, and opportunities for action. Thanks to you, in 2017, we built a stronger community of Latino changemakers driving a new narrative in social media. And, when we came together, we built altars to honor our past and present victories, broke bread, danced, and celebrated the richness of our diverse heritage. These moments encouraged us to lead with boldness and dismantle hate with love.

“LCF is lifting the Latino voice in this critical moment in history when we need it the most. This phenomenal organization represents the true Latino narrative with vision and empowerment for leaders and organizations that serve the Latino community. We are the future of California, and we are here to stay.” – Eliana Murillo, Google and Social Media Influencer

Jacqueline Martinez Garcel
Chief Executive Officer
Masha V. Chernyak
Vice President of Programs and Policy
Sara Velten
Vice President of Philanthropy
Christian Arana
Policy Director
Anais Amaya
Philanthropy Manager
Anna Gagliuffi
Communications Manager
Amber Gonzales-Vargas
Operations Manager
Samantha Sandoval
Programs and Grants Manager
Philip Herrera
Program and Policy Fellow
Honorable Aída Álvarez
CHAIR, Former Administrator,
U.S. Small Business Administration
Honorable Arabella Martinez
Former CEO, The Unity Council
Louis P. Miramontes
Former Partner, KPMG
John Murray
SECRETARY, Founder and
Managing Partner, Element98 Software
Arnoldo Avalos
Avalos Foundation
Jim Foley
Regional President,
Wells Fargo Bank
John Garcia
Vice President, Government Relations,
Kaiser Permanente
Ezra Garrett
Vice President, Community Relations and
Executive Director, The Oportun Foundation
Luis Herrera
Former City Librarian,
City and County of San Francisco
Heather Johnson
Senior Principal Consultant,
4H Consulting
Kurt C. Organista, Ph.D.
Professor, School Social Welfare,
UC Berkeley
Monica Pressley
Chief Financial Officer,
The Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
Raul Rodriguez
Vice President and General Manager,
José Antonio Ramírez
City Manager,
Yolanda Ruiz
Vice President, Finance,
Gladly Inc.
Daniel L. Skaff
Vice Chairman,
Beneficial State

Over the past year, individuals, foundations, and corporations came together to invest $4.5 million to unleash the power of Latinos in California.
Donations received between January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017
Akonadi Foundation
Bank of America
Bank of the West
Beneficial State Bank Fdn.
Blue Shield of CA
California Health Care Foundation
Castellano Family Foundation
CSAA (AAA Insurer)
East Bay Community Foundation
Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
Facebook, Inc.
Ford Motor Company Fund
Gaia Fund
Gibbons-Erdberg Fund Charitable Giving Fund
of Tides Foundation
Heising-Simons Foundation
Hellman Foundation
James C. Hormel Revocable Trust
Jonathan Logan Family Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
Kapor Center for Social Impact
Libra Foundation
Lucille and Ronald Neeley Foundation
Marin Community Foundation
Metabolic Studio
Morgan Stanley Diversity Group
Morrison & Foerster Foundation
Morrison & Foerster LLP
Nancy C. and Dale Dougherty Foundation
Nays Family Charitable Fund
NextGen Climate America
Oakland Yard
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP
Piper Jaffray & Co.
Port of Oakland
Ralph Ogden Foundation
Raza Development Fund
S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation
Sierra Health Foundation
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Stuart Foundation
The California Endowment
The California Wellness Foundation
The James Irvine Foundation
The San Francisco Foundation
The Palette Fund
The Whitman Institute
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Union Bank
US Bank
Walmart Stores, Inc.
Wells Fargo
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
WKF Giving Fund
Y & H Soda Foundation
Amelia Gonzalez & Sergio Garcia
Muffie & Fred W. Alvarez
Karen & Luis Toledo
Maria & Gene Frantz
Aida Alvarez
Alba Alamillo
Alejandra Corona
Amanda Renteria
Amy Rao
Andre Pinter
Angela Valgiusti
Antonio Lucio
April Alvarez
Arabella Martinez
Arnoldo Avalos
Arturo Gonzalez
Catherine & James Koshland
Cecilia Curiel
Christina Giguere
Daniel & Meagan Nye
Eliana Murillo
Heather Johnson
Isabel Valdes
Jacqueline Martinez Garcel
James R. Patterson
Jay Williams
Jim Foley
John Murray
Jose Calderon
Jose Garcel
Katherine & Roy Bukstein
Kathy & David Strohm
Kristi & Louis Miramontes
Linda Griego
Lorena Chatterjee
Martin Alvarez
Mauricio Alvarez
Meilani Santillan
Michelle & Daniel L. Skaff
Mike Wilkins
Monica Pressley
Nancy & Luis Herrera
Neus Esteve
Priya Morine
Raymond Baxter
Sandra Hernandez
Tim Rios
Design Action Collective
Ivy Fairchild
Shiree Teng
Adrian Gonzales
Ashley Montgomery
Alejandra Ayala
Carlos Tovar
Jenna Carlsson
Maureen Bunting
Harvard Business School Community Partners
Pablo Skaff
Olivia Velten
Paola Villanueva
Monica Hernandez
Bryan Patrick